Microcomputer FIat-bed Machine
The machine has a nice outside and used in knitting the cutparts,collar,cuff,hem and so on with 2 to 6 colours.The nemerical value can beselected at will in t-he coil density,knitting speed,economy setting,needle bed movement,triangle co-nversion and feed carrier conversion. It is easy to operate and the conversion of variety is fast, and it can achieve the perfect knitting effects as well as can stop automatically if out of order.
Knitting extent:28”34”56”80”
Needle distance:7G 9G 12G 14G 16G 18G
Knitting speed:It depends on the different yarns and knitting texture,the fa-stest speed is 1.2M/second,and also is the frequency control of motor speed.
Needle bed motion:Move 1 to 5 needles on the right and left.
Densiry adjustment: Adjust the density in four parts,can adjusted slightly at will.
Feed carrier No: Switching of 6 colours (the colour can be switched in half swerve).
Selection of needle: Knit by high stitch and low stitch(the needle can be se-lected during knitting according to the stitch)
Batching installation: The tension of textile is adjusted by the torsion motor and potential switch.
Automatic stop installation: It can stop automatically when the yarn broken,needle broken,knots,and so on during knitting.
Main electric machinery: 220V 0.55HP |